I’m off to the dentist this morning…ack! Who makes a 8:30 am dentist appointment? I don’t even have enough time to prepare myself mentally for my impending doom…damn dentists! Did I mention that I HATE the dentist…I hope all you dentists see this…It’s important to me that you know that I Do Not like you!!
Enough ranting…I’ll live right? right?
Just a reminder…If you would like your button added to my blogroll you can Email me (that little button’s on my sidebar)…Free advertising..Jump on it!
The design is complete, so we may be launching before the weeks out….YAY! Are you excited? O.K. well I am..So I’ll jump up in down on my couch all by myself. Can’t wait to share…It’s fabulous thanks to Lindsey @ Sour Apple Studios, who by the way is a Rockstar! Thank You Lindsey for being so fabulous and listening to my ridiculous requests and constant change of mind 😉