Last year, when Lil’ Pea was a tiny tot, she liked to tug on my necklace as she nursed. The problem was it was a fragile little necklace and I just new she was going to yank it off at any moment, not to mention the older she got, the harder she pulled and it hurt! When she began teething, she wanted to chew on my necklace, which was hard and the last thing I wanted was metal in her mouth! Over and over again, I told my husband that I needed a nursing necklace, but with much searching, all of the options were just blah to say the least.
So it’s only natural, that when I stopped breastfeeding my “need” for a little bit of teething bling would be fulfilled! Smart Mom offers a little bit of teething bling for all of the smart mama’s out there, including bangle bracelets, necklaces and key chains. Teething Bling was inspired by babies who like to tug on our jewelry. Little one’s can tug, pull and chew on every piece of Smart Mom Jewelry and it’s not going to hurt them or you! And each piece of teething bling is hip, stylish and fun.
Smart Mom uses only the highest-quality, phthalate-free, federally approved silicone in their Teething Bling™ line. The material is non-toxic, latex-free, food–safe, even dishwasher-friendly! It is the same silicone used in many other popular teething products and SGS test reports are available upon request. Although they stress that this is adult jewelry not intended for children to wear, all of their pendants come with a breakaway clasp as an added safety feature.
Although I just recently (a few weeks ago) stopped nursing Lil’ Pea, I wear my Smart Mom necklace everyday and with Lil’ Pea teething right now, it’s a big help and also a wonderful comfort to her. From the time she was teeny tiny, she would grasp me with everything she had and I could tell it offered her great comfort. So a big THANKS to Smart Mom for coming out with a product that every mom and baby needs and making it BLING at the same time!
Win it!
Smart Mom has kindly offered 2 Smart Mom Gift Sets to 2 Lucky readers of “Deal”ectible Mommies! Each gift set is different, but most include a Donut, Bangle and Pendant or a Pendant, Bangle and Keychain. Just visit Smart Mom and tell me what gift set you would pick if you win! That’s it!
Extra Entries:
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Smart Mom Jewelery Giveaway (2 Winners) @dealectiblemom
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4. 2 Entries!!! 2 entries – Blog about this giveaway (please leave a link to the post)
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That’s a total of 7 entries possible…Good Luck!
The boring stuff: Open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway will end on July 5th at Midnight! Winner will be chosen using!