O.k. so lots of new changes are coming…Lindsey @ Sour Apple Studios will begin work on the New and Improved “Deal”ectible Mommies next week…looking forward to hearing from all of you about the new look. For now we have moved to a .com!
Here’s what that means: You can access this site from the old url (http://www.delectiblemommies.blogspot.com) however your google friend connect (that means all of you who follow this blog) will not work unless you access the blog from the new address:
Please Note: the url now matches the name…there is an “A” in the spelling now! Please make changes so that we can all still hang!!! I have also bought a few different spellings so that even if you spell it wrong, you can still access this blog 😉
However, those will not be working for a day or two.
Please be patient with the changes I’m making..I promise you a bigger, better, new and improved “Deal”ectible Mommies is to come..I’ll keep everyone posted on new happenings! And a big Thank You to all of you who have stuck with me and continue to visit daily and leave comment love…You are the bestest!