I recently introduced you to Eebee, a cute little character with bright spiky hair that has become all the rage here in our household. Eebee’s Adventures is a new DVD series that gives you the tools to explore along with your baby and allows little one’s to learn about the simple world around them. Unlike many DVD’s on the market today, eebee’s adventures encourages parents and babies to interact and play out the activities together in an effort to assists babies in the learning process.
Watching and, importantly, “doing” eebee’s adventures will allow you and your baby to see and learn first-hand what happens when you explore a crinkly, crunchy, smooth and bumpy paper mountain or roll, bounce, bop, bang, slide and toss your way around a world of balls and ramps. We put this idea to work with Lil’ Pea and poured an entire box of cheerios into a bowl and put it right in the middle of the living room (Don’t be shy, that’s what vacuums are for)! I gave her a few different cups and spoons and she was busy for a good hour, dumping, pouring, moving and even sticking her feet inside. I sat next to her and provided interaction by naming everything she did and eebee gave her ideas of what to do next.
What we love about eebee…
I think eebee’s Adventure’s sets itself apart from other programs in the market, in that it gives you, the parent, ideas of how to interact with your child, while allowing age appropriate exploration. I would have never thought to give Lil’ Pea a giant bowl of cheerios in the middle of my living room without eebee. Perhaps I’m just not creative enough! At the same time, parents and little ones can watch eebee explore the given activity and play along. Just think of it as a personal interaction expert at your fingertips.
You can purchase eebee’s Adventures by visiting eebee.com and if you purchase 3 DVDs you’ll score Free Shipping AND get 10% off! While your there check out the developmental toys like the eebee hand puppet, doll, books and play house!
Win it!
One “Deal”ectible Mommies reader will win the eebee threebie! Eebee’s threebie includes the following DVDs:
– All in a days play DVD
– Exporing real stuff DVD
– Figuring things out DVD
Each of the first three 30-minute DVDs, EXPLORING REAL STUFF, ALL IN A DAY’S PLAY,and FIGURING THINGS OUT includes three 10-minute adventures, original music and songs, and “play-by-play” commentary by and interviews with developmental experts.
How to enter:
Just visit eebee’s Adventures and take a look around…come back here and tell me one product (other than the DVDs) that you and your baby would love to have! I personally want the eebee doll…Lil’ Pea would go nuts for it!
Extra Entries: The initial entry MUST be done before any extra entries will count!!(Please Note: All extra entries should be left in the comments section of this post and each comment counts as 1 entry..so if you qualify for two entries, then leave two comments)!!!
1. Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway
You can copy and paste this into twitter:
Eebee’s Adventures Giveaway…Win 3 DVDs @dealectiblemom
Already following me on twitter? Send out the above tweet and you just earned yourself an entry.. drop me a comment and let me know!
2. Subscribe to “Deal”ectible Mommies by Email or Subscribe to my feed.
3. 2 Entries!!! Follow “Deal”ectible Mommies…You can Follow My Blog on my sidebar..hint: It’s at the very top!
4. 2 entries – Blog about this giveaway (please leave a link to the post)
5. Grab my *NEW* button! If you already have my button, you can replace it with the new one!
That’s a total of 8 entries possible…Good Luck!
The boring stuff: Open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. Giveaway will end on July 23rd at Midnight! Winner will be chosen using random.org!