Earlier in the year we had the opportunity to review The Safe Sippy, a sippy cup that’s known for it’s BPA Free benefits (See original Safe Sippy review HERE). Now Kid Basix has released The Safe Sippy 2, much like the original Safe Sippy cup, however this sippy cup is the first ever 2-in-1 sippy-to-straw cup! You can start your little one out with a sippy and as they get older or their sippy cup preferences change, you can convert this cup into a straw cup with just a quick switch to the straw converter.
Features of The Safe Sippy 2:
•A stainless steel sippy cup with a no-spill spout, removable handles and an easy-to-grip sleeve.
•Dust cap to keep the spout clean
•No-leak travel plug for those days Mom absolutely, positively has no other place to stick The Safe Sippy but her purse
•Straw and straw adaptor that instantly turns The Safe Sippy into a straw bottle
•Recommended for ages six months and older.
•100% Stainless Steel.
•Machine wash
As with the original Safe Sippy, The Safe Sippy 2 features removable handles that can be removed when your child gets older. The Safe Sippy 2 comes in 3 different colors (blue, green or pink) and holds 11 oz. of liquid, far more than the average sippy cup on the market. The Safe Sippy comes equipped with a dust cap and a No-leak travel valve, just in case you need to throw it in your diaper bag. Lil’ Pea saw one of her friends using a straw cup and tried everything in her power to get it. So the arrival of the Safe Sippy 2 was a welcome item in our house and Lil’ Pea is one happy camper. I just have to remind her that she doesn’t need to tip it up 😉
As with the original Safe Sippy Cup, The Safe Sippy 2 does leak when shaken. If you still have a little one in the house who likes to shake, throw or dump their cups upside down, you will not want to let them loose in the house with this cup. However, if you have an older child who does not take part in sippy cup torture, this cup is a welcome addition.
For more information about the Safe Sippy 2, visit Kid Basix online. You’ll also want to follow Kid Basix on twitter (@bretplate) because they periodically put out promotional codes that will save you $$$. Kids Basix is also making a video about the dangers of plastics and they need photos of kids! If anyone is interested in providing photos (the video will appear on YouTube, their upcoming company Facebook page and on The Safe Sippy website), you can send them an email at [email protected]. They would love to talk to you! (Still pictures only, please.)
Win it!
One lucky “Deal”ectible Mommies reader will win 3, yes count em’, 3 Safe Sippy 2 Cups! Just visit thesafesippy.com and check out their FAQ page…come back here and tell me one thing you learned!
Extra Entries: The initial entry MUST be done before any extra entries will count!!(Please Note: All extra entries should be left in the comments section of this post and each comment counts as 1 entry..so if you qualify for two entries, then leave two comments)!!!
2. Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway
You can copy and paste this into twitter:
Win 3 Safe Sippy 2 Cups @dealectiblemom
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6. 2 ENTRIES!!!Were having a party (read all about it HERE)!!! Grab the NEW Bloggy Birthday Bash Button! Trust me when I say you’ll want to have this button displayed because you’ll earn 5 extra entries into EVERY giveaway during the Bloggy Birthday Bash! If you already have the Bloggy Birthday Bash Button then leave your comments letting me know!
That’s a total of 8 entries possible…Good Luck!
The boring stuff: Open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway will end on July 25th at Midnight! Winner will be chosen using random.org!