Participating in surveys can be a good way to earn a little extra cash or earn products. This is a great way for stay at home moms in particular to earn a little extra by giving their opinions and answering some questions, usually online. This isn’t going to make you rich but can be a nice source of a bit of extra cash or a way to earn credits for products you will use.
Inbox Dollars pays members to read emails, take surveys online, play games, and go shopping! New enrollees also receive $5 just for joining so this one is definitely worth a closer look.
NPD Group Online Research is one of the largest and most trusted market research companies in the world, with over 40 years of experience. As a member, users input will directly influence the products and services they see in stores. Members complete quick, fun surveys about the products they buy and the services they use.
At Opinion Place you complete online surveys to receive rewards which can include Amazon gift cards and paypal credits.
Swagbucks is one of the best known of the survey sites. is an online portal dedicated to helping you earn digital dollars called “Swag Bucks”, which can be redeemed for exclusive merchandise. Things like PayPal and Amazon gift cards, toys, clothes, collectibles, games, electronics and more… is a 100% free, no strings attached, free prizes, no shipping charges, no membership fee’s. has already rewarded over a million users with gift cards, and all kinds of quality products, to members across the United states, Canada and UK.
Photo courtesy of dvortygirl
Remember always to do your own due diligence checks. If something looks too good to be true it usually is! This post contains affiliate links.