Our daughter’s school makes a big effort to collect Box Tops for Education from the students and parents each year. In fact, the parent club even offers up great prizes to the students as an incentive for the kids to collect them. Box Tops for Education are each worth $.10/piece and that can certainly add up quickly to fund projects and new equipment at schools around the country. This school year, Totino´s is giving away one million Bonus Box Tops (equivalent to $100,000) to help bring fun ideas to life both inside and outside of the classroom, through the “Learn a Ton when School is Fun” sweepstakes. Here’s the dish:
Learn a Ton when School is Fun Sweepstakes
Four participating schools in the Box Tops for Education program will each win 250,000 Bonus Box Tops, equivalent to $25,000, from Totino´s You can start, or continue, to earn cash for your child’s school by collecting Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products, including Totino´s, and right now, Totino´s Party Pizza and Pizza Rolls Snacks feature double Box Tops on select varieties, to help you earn even more for your kid´s school!
Entering is Easy – Simply visit www.totinos.com and click on the “Learn a Ton when School is Fun” icon. Enter the name of your school to see if they are currently participating in Box Tops for Education, fill out a short form and you’re entered to win! Come back EACH AND EVERY DAY for more chances to WIN!
Win It!
We’re so excited about the “Learn a Ton when School is Fun” Sweepstakes that we decided to have a little sweepstakes of our own! One Lucky “Deal”ectable Mommies reader will WIN a Totino’s “Learn a Ton when School is Fun” prize pack that includes the following:
– Brain Quest Smart! Game
– Micro Rubik´s® Cube Key Holder
– Draw string backpack
– Coupons for a free package of Totino´s Pizza Rolls Snacks, Totino´s Party Pizza and new Totino´s Pizza Stuffers.
How to Enter: Simply tell me how you or your school would spend the $25,000 and you’re entered to win!
How About More Chances to Win?
Please note that the initial entry must be completed before any extra entries will count and you must leave a separate comment for each additional entry!
1. Fan “Deal”ectable Mommies on Facebook.
2. Follow “Deal”ectable Mommies on Twitter and tweet the following:
Enter to #Win 25,000 Box Tops for Education + an Awesome Prize Pack from @dealectiblemom http://bit.ly/pgtqOR
3. Subscribe to my Feed or Daily Deal emails.
4. “Like” Totinos on Facebook.
The Boring Stuff: Contest Ends on September 4th at midnight. Winner will be chosen at random and will have 72 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.
Thank You to Totino’s through MyBlogSpark for providing us with a prize pack for ourselves and for one lucky winner. My thoughts and opinions remain my own.
If my son’s school won the $25,000 they would probably spend it on those amazing smart boards for the classrooms and if any money were left over, maybe some fun reading programs for the students to become involved with.
Our school is hoping for smartboards, what a great program box tops is!
I follow and twetted 🙂 @couponmacey
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That would be great to improve the equipment, expand the music programs, and update library books.
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i would buy books….lots of much needed books!
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If my sons school won they would probably use it to build a new playground!
I’m a fan on Facebook- extreme savings with diva desirae
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I would want to help the music department or library department.
(littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)
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I think they’d spent it on new playground equipment.
Laurasu82 at yahoo.com
i’d use it for our schools playground.
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Lisa Cowan Whitham
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
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My son’s school would use this for supplies
Sorry I think I was supposed to do this before my other two entries
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
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Lisa Cowan Whitham
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
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Lisa Cowan Whitham
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
A new playstructure for my school!
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Definitely for new computers!
I think the school would use it for a playground!
They would use it for new technology equipment
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My school would build a new playground
like deal ectable mommies on facebook (ann jones)
following you on Twitter and I tweeted @gwett1
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My school would spend it on new smartboards
I think they would use it to enhance the library or music rooms.
It would be used to add new computers to the computer lab
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some new computers
We live in one of the poorest school districts in the area. I am certain the money would be used to bring in books and gym equipment.
I like Totino’s on facebook (Danielle Parent Garcia)
My son’s schools would use the money for smartboards and also fund education programs that are already in existance and even start up new programs that are needed.
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Our school would use the money for new books, sports, music, and new playground equipment.
I like “Deal”ectible Mommies on facebook ~ Patty White
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I think they could use new text books!
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I’m hoping my school would spend it on technology (computer) upgrades
Definitely upgrade the library! I went in there during Open House and everything was so outdated!
Our school could get a new playground.
Couponclippinmommy at yahoo dot com
I think my kids’ school could use it on new computers.
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I like you on facebook. Jessyca Foster
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I like Tostino’s on facebook. Jessyca Foster
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Our school needs new computers!
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i am an email subscriber under kbscouponsatgmail.com
Our school could use some new technology so smartboards, laptops, desktop computers, printers, that would be so great for the school thanks for the chance to win [email protected]
I subscribe thanks for the chance
i am a facebook fan (mrstinareynolds
We could use the money to replace books – some of the textbooks/ that kids bring home are in awful shape.
im a dealectible mommies facebook fan as emily ev–t
i follow you on twitter as @emilyreviewscom and tweet – http://twitter.com/#!/EmilyReviewsCom/status/110183530805473280
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My child’s school is trying to raise money to build a gym. This would help them a lot.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
If my daughters’ school won, they would probably invest in art supplies, musical instruments and sports equipment
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Our school is in need of updating the playground equipment so that is what I would want it for.
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If my school won I’d work with them to provide a scholarship for free breakfasts for kids and brown lunches for the weekends for kids who dont get to eat.
I would use the $25K to help make sure that any students that I have never have to worry about anything financially – that school can be a worry-free place for them!
I follow you on twitter & have tweeted about the giveaway!
Thank you 🙂
I think the school might buy some new playground equipment. They might also use to buy items for library, art and gym classes.
Carolwegs at gmail dot com
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carolwegs at gmail dot com
The School would probably get more books for the library, and more reading programs!
I would like to see my kids school get more athletic equipment and library books
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amanda h
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amanda h
if we won our school could build a new library that foster`s kids` love of reading
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I think the school would update the upper school outdoor area!
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