Have you heard about the Relay for Life? It is a reality that most of our lives have in some way been touched by cancer. Relay for Life is a way that we can all make a difference and join the fight in preventing and treating this disease.
We often think that the actions of just one person cannot change anything.But when we join together we really can make a difference. That is why the American Cancer Society promotes with it’s Relay For Life events.
What is Relay For Life?
The Relay For Life is an event which everyone can take part in either as a participant, a fund raiser or a donor. The inspirational idea is that teams of people join together to complete a relay – so the actions of one person are joined together to make a difference.
There are events all over the country so you are sure to be able to find one close to home.
At Relay for Life events teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track. It really doesn’t matter what pace you go at – the taking part is the important part!
Each Relay team has a team member on the track at all times during the event. Relays are overnight up to 24 hours in length. You don’t have to be there all the time, but the event is so fun that often people do camp out for the 24 hours. Prior to the event teams take place in fundraising to raise money for Relay for Life.
Often the events also have a Bark For Life where dogs can take part too!
It is comforting to know how much progress the American Cancer Society is making in it’s fight to treat and prevent this disease. Huge progress has been made in recent years.
The American Cancer Society is known as The Official Sponsor of Birthdays. What a wonderful way to promote their work! Join them in helping the fight for less cancer and more birthdays by joining the Relay for Life By supporting Relay for Life you are helping the American Cancer Society save more lives and create more birthdays.
This is a Sponsored Post and Video. My opinions and thoughts remain my own.