I have decided to start this blog for a couple of reasons. First, I love being a mom! Second, i love to write and third, I love to save money! You’ll not only find fun topics about mommyhood and minature people (babies of course), but you’ll also find alot of deals that will be completely FREE! Yes i said FREE!
I am addicted to saving my family money and one way i do that is by collecting as much as i can for free! What can you possibly get for free? Well let’s just scratch the surface…. Clothing, make up, household products, baby items, gift cards and of course MONEY! Yes, there is lots of free money to be had.
In the past few months i have received FREE books, clothing, gift cards, cookware, household items, such as toothpaste,shampoo, etc…, razors, small appliances, diapers, wipes and the list goes on and on. Honestly, if i listed everything i have received for free, i would take up the entire blog. 🙂 Almost all of it, required little to no effort.
So my daily posts will be on “FREE STUFF” and weekly i will post Rite Aid deals. Rite aid is the best place to get free stuff on a weekly basis. I will of course also post any good deals i think are worthy. Many of my readers will be new to all of this, so starting tommorow i will be posting how easy it is to receive free items in your mailbox and at rite aid. Many of my postings will include some abbreviations and i will be explaining those tommorrow as well…..
My blog is brand new and i will be updating it regularly, so although it may seem a bit dull now, just wait…i promise, it will get much, much better.
So, until then my fellow readers…… Have a wonderful Night! 🙂